About the Painting:
Girl with a Pearl Earring depicts a girl, with a pearl earring. Although Vermeer’s paintings typically sell for millions, in 1881 this painting sold for about $30, less than the cost of a pair of pearl earrings. Now, Girl with a Pearl Earring is a Dutch treasure. In 2006, the Dutch public selected this work as the most beautiful painting in the Netherlands, despite The Girl having absolutely not a hint of an eyebrow. A couple years after this declaration, a Dutch astrophysicist argued the earring is not a pearl, but rather a ball of tin. Of course, Girl with a Ball of Tin sounds slightly less dignified. No matter what the earring is made of, your cat, dog, or horse will look suave and sophisticated in this masterpiece.
About Johannes Vermeer:
Born into 1600 Delft, Holland – a city famous for knocking off Chinese porcelain – Johannes Vermeer lived and died middle class and in debt, just like the rest of us. Though Jan (pronounced yawn) probably didn’t celebrate Halloween, he was baptized on October 31st.
Despite being poor-ish, Jan had a taste for pricy pigments, like lapis lazuli. He painted scenes of daily life illuminated with royal, radiant light. He’s only credited with 34 paintings, maybe because he worked so dang slow – like 3 paintings a year slow. Jan never saw fame and had to wait 2 centuries after his death for the spotlight!
Luckily, your pet only has to wait a couple weeks to claim fame in one of Jan’s portraits.
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